
English Summer Vocabulary from A to Z

English Summer Vocabulary from A to Z

“Ahh yes, it is the season of the sun. The season of beaches, vacations, and warmth. It is often a favorite for many as long as they can handle the sweltering heat. Nothing like lounging around in a lawn chair propped on the sandy shores of your favorite beach. You have no worries in the world, but wait, you don’t know your English summer Vocab! What are you gonna do? Look no further than this blog on our essential summer vocabulary list!”

'The Terminal' Movie and the English Speaking Journey

'The Terminal' Movie and the English Speaking Journey

Viktor was forced into an environment where everything around him was in English or where English became the bridge language for the many cultures who passed through the airport. He had to start small, so he began watching the news feed playing in the airport. They were reporting on the ongoing civil war in his country. Using phonetics, he sounded out the words that he could read and interpreted the name of his country. Then he began interpreting phrases on the captions below the news report. The news is a perfect way for a non-native speaker to learn English, it shows proper language and diverse vocabulary for huge issues.

The Building Blocks of Reading Materials

The Building Blocks of Reading Materials

“When you are first starting out in reading the English language, it’s important to incorporate reading materials into your weekly habits. It is a necessary complement to your learning and will help flex that muscle needed to retain both the grammar and the vocabulary that can drive your overall proficiency forward.”

Using Worksheets to Succeed

Using Worksheets to Succeed

”If you are learning a language such as English, it can be tough to justify doing homework and worksheets and additional activities. However, here’s a secret for you, dear reader: you have to do it as part of the learning process. In order to retain the knowledge, you have learned either through online courses, private lessons, or group classes, you need to have worksheets or activities in order to be able to remember what the concepts were that you have to put into practice.”

Learning Strategy - Utilization, Not Memorization

Learning Strategy - Utilization, Not Memorization

“Many English language learners and students are taught from a young age to memorize, repeat, and regurgitate what they have been assigned by their teachers. When it comes to the main focus of English as a Second Language, there is a tendency for educators in this field to focus on having memorization be the main focal point for an English student’s language base when it should not be this way. Instead of memorization and repetition, we should instead focus on helping English language learners with utilization, which means putting the English grammar and vocabulary they have acquired for actual use.”